My Favourite Move

White Crane Cools Wings

I’ve always loved the imagery of this move. An elegant bird stranding on one leg and moving its wings gracefully to catch the cooling breeze. Then poised and completely still but ready to move at any moment.

White Crane Cools Wings

Some years ago I had a mastectomy and reconstruction. The reconstruction involved cutting a strip of muscle in my back and whilst still attached the strip was threaded under my armpit to help support the implant.

Following this operation I was given exercises to restore mobility to be able to fully stretch out my arms and to reach up high. This took some time working on the exercises every day. I added White Crane Cools Wings into my exercise regime and increasingly enjoyed the feeling of stretching knowing I was closer to fully stretching and especially realising I would be able to reach up high was a joy and a real sense of achievement.

So that is why this move is important to me. I never miss fully stretching during the end section of this move and feeling the effects on my body of reaching and stretching fully.

Wave Hands Like Clouds

What Do You Like About This Move?

It’s such a lovely, flowing yet strong movement encouraging you to coordinate your arms, legs, body, head whilst you reach, stand tall, sit, transfer your weight – have I missed anything?

What Was The Hardest Thing To Perfect About The Move?

I haven’t reached perfection by a long way.

How Does Doing The Move Make You Feel?

Graceful with intent. Whether that’s how I look is another matter….

Was There  A Lightbulb Moment In Learning The Move When It Suddenly Made Sense?

At a workshop when James (from Canada) showed me how not to bob up and down in the “sitting” position when moving from right to left 

Is There A Further Progression In The Move That You Are Working On? 

As with all the moves in the tai chi set, it will always be work in progress but my current challenge is not resorting to old habits when coming out into single whip at the end.